Tuesday 25 September 2012

Everything is illuminated

"He awoke each morning with the desire to do right, to be a good and meaningful person, to be, as simple as it sounded, and as impossible as it actually was, happy. And during the course of each day his heart would descend from his chest into his stomach. By early afternoon he was overcome by the feeling that nothing was right, or nothing was right for him, and the desire to be alone. By evening he was fulfilled: alone in the magnitude of his grief, alone in his aimless guilt, alone even in his loneliness.

I am not sad, he would repeat to himself over and over, I am not sad. As if he might one day convince himself. Or fool himself. Or convince others - the only thing worse than being sad is for others to know that you are sad. I am not sad. I am not sad. Because his life had unlimited potential for happiness, insofar as it was an empty white room.

He would fall asleep with his heart at the foot of his bed, like some domesticated animal that was no part of him at all. And each morning he would wake with it again in the cupboard of his ribcage, having become a little heavier, a little weaker, but still pumping. And by midafternoon he was again overcome with the desire to be somewhere else, someone else, someone else somewhere else. I am not sad."

Everything is Illuminated (Jonathan Safran Foer)

Thursday 23 August 2012

New York city dreamin'

Like Crazy

"I thought I understood it, but I didn't - only the idea of it. Of you and me."

It's not often you find a movie about love & relationships that feels so real. "Like Crazy" is a story exploring the challenges of young love and long distance relationships. The story is so simplistic and yet it explores so many facets of young love not usually seen in films. It's so authentic you really feel every moment of it. I really loved the performance Felicity Jones - hope she will go far. The film was done on a teeny $250K budget and most of the dialogue is unscripted - pretty impressive!

Thursday 29 March 2012

She is unstoppable

She is a pyramid
But with him she's just a grain of sand
This love's too strong like mice and men
Squeezing out the life that should be let in

She was a hurricane
But now she's just a gust of wind
She used to set the sails of a thousand ships
Was a force to be reckoned with

She could be a Statue of Liberty
She could be a Joan of Arc
But he's scared of the light that's inside of her
So he keeps her in the dark

Oh, she used to be a pearl
Yeah, she used to rule the world
Can't believe she's become a shell of herself
'Cause she used to be a pearl

She was unstoppable
Moved fast just like an avalanche
But now she's stuck deep in cement
Wishing that they'd never ever met

She could be a Statue of Liberty
She could be a Joan of Arc
But he's scared of the light that's inside of her
So he keeps her in the dark

Oh, she used to be a pearl
Yeah, she used to rule the world
Can't believe she's become a shell of herself
'Cause she used to be a -

Do you know that there's a way out,
there's a way out
there's a way out
there's a way out

You don't have to be held down,
be held down
be held down
be held down

'Cause I used to be a shell
Yeah, I let him rule my world
my world
But I woke up and grew strong
And I can still go on
And no one can take my pearl

You don't have to be shell, No
You're the one that rules your world, ohh
You are strong and you'll learn
that you can still go on

And you'll always be a pearl

She is unstoppable

Thursday 22 March 2012

Monday 12 March 2012

Be soft

"Be soft, do not let the world make you hard. Do not let the pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place".

Monday 9 January 2012

Welcome, 2012

I'm not making any specific new year's resolutions for 2012. I think new year's resolutions can be harmful - who needs extra pressure/expectations?! Not me. Plus new year's resolutions are the reason I can no longer find a spare treadmill at the gym and have to arrive half an hour before my step class! Not cool. So, I'm not making new year's resolutions. I'm just going to take each day as it comes, and make the most of every day.

I have a good feeling about you, 2012.