Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Become Legendary. Or just, fit.

Like most people, especially women, in this world, I'm trying quite hard to be a gym junkie! I've never been athletic - I was the kid who got out of school sports events with all kinds of phony stunts and forged notes from "Mum". I rathered (and often did) spend my time in the library, or at the theatre, over running around on the school oval trying to compete at something I'm inherently horrible at - group sports. To me, Cross-Country or the swimming carnival were horrors to behold, probably because I was always coming last...

Since school however, I've actually kept much fitter than lots of the sporty kids from school (who tend to balloon once they get out into the world of drinking and partying at university, & those early morning training sessions & the burning desire for the "age champion" become hazy memories through a blur of never ending hangovers and late night McDonalds runs). I've had a gym membership ever since I left school (even in San Francisco where I became quite the porker regardless - all day at the gym wouldn't have burnt those California Calories). My favourite thing to do at the gym is group fitness, but I'm trying hard to get into running with the help of the new Nike APP (Nike + GPS) which is brilliant by-the-way. This is my weekly program at the moment:

Day 1: Body Step (1 hr)
Day 2: Body Step (1 hr)
Day 3: Half hour running (1/2 hour)
Day 4: Body Combat (1 hr)
Day 5: Body Pump (1 hr)
Day 6: N/A
Day 7: Body Pump OR Body Combat  (1 hr)

Before you think to yourself, "wow, what a legend," I'm not actually hitting this target as yet! I'm getting in about 3 of the classes and sometimes the run. So I need to pick up my act. I may have hated sports at school, but I think it had more to do with the peer pressure and competitiveness of it all. I love getting in a routine at the gym - there's nothing better than feeling fit and healthy.

What do you do each week for fitness?

Are you struggling? Here's a bit of run-spiration:

Of course, I prefer this version, speaking of inspiring individuals and shoes:

For cool recipes and tips check out Lee's great blog, "Fit Foodie Finds" - she is all about being fit and healthy, even on a college budget! It's a great blog, and I say it with love when I say trust an American to think putting peanut butter on everything is HEALTHY! But truely she has some great tips and recipes, her posts will motivate you.

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